I just stumbled upon the Message version of Hebrews 11:1 which intruiged my mind… “The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.”

First, faith is the fundamental basis of existence. We know we live and live each day believing there’s someone else in control. The Darwinian theory implies a spontaneous origination of life from non-life and a seemingly naturalistic modification over time. Well, undisputably, this suits the notion that faith is a basis of existence… A proof to the origin of the origin. But what then is the basis of the non-life?

Faith is not alone a fact of the bringing of existence, but also, a well-grounded assurance, as another version would put it. The magnitude of ‘the wise man who built his house upon the Rock and the foolish man who built his house on sand’ story clearly divulges the essence of the foundation on faith. Ever tried balancing coins… The less stable the lower coins, the greater the likelihood of your work being in vain. Physicists would explain it with a concept of equilibrium and centre of gravity. Correspondingly, the less the weight at the base of your faith pillar, the lower the centre of gravity and oh… your faith could be vanity.

Probing these facts, the analogy of faith as an anchor wouldn’t be left unnoticed. As the anchor grips upon the Rock in the deep of the sea, the more fastened it is, the lesser the likelihood of the ship drifting. Priscilla. J. Owens pens down a hymn posing a rather deep question, ‘Will your Anchor Hold in the storms of life?’… Fellow Pilgrim, think and think again.. is your Faith firmly grounded?

Faith, again, gives us a reason to live. If your faith isn’t daily renewing your resoluteness to each day take a new step even out of sight of life’s staircase, it could then be grounded upon sand. We live not because life just happened, and wallah, we found ourselves in this dark world. We owe our lives to a Higher being. It is because He lives that we live.

Faith is our handle on what we can’t see. Don’t wait to see the shore to believe, trust the pilot of the ship. You may not know the future, but trust Him who holds the future. Faith is what keeps us going. Let your faith be grounded upon the Word, which was, is and forever will be.

Reflect upon these words:

Those who have lived on the flesh and blood of the Son of God—His Holy Word—will be strengthened, rooted, and grounded in the faith.They will see increased evidence why they should prize and obey the Word of God. With David, they will say, “They have made void thy law.Therefore love I thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.”While others count them dross, they will arise to defend the faith. All who study their convenience, their pleasure, their enjoyment, will not stand in their trial (The Review and Herald, June 8, 1897). 6BC 1065.2

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